Choose a Sponsorship
No Sponsorship - I would just like to donate.
DonateTriple Starting at $2,000.00

Triple Sponsorship includes:
- Company Logo on Beverage Carts
- 1 year listing on the Miracle League sponsor page of the website
- Social Media tags to announce sponsorship agreement
- 1 Team Foursome * Please email the names of each member of your team to Trevor at [email protected] no later than September 23, 2024. *
Double Starting at $1,200.00

Double Sponsorship includes:
- 1 year listing on the Miracle League sponsor page of the website
- Social Media tags to announce sponsorship agreement
- 1 Cart Path Yard Sign
- 1 Team Foursome * Please email the names of each member of your team to Trevor at [email protected] no later than September 23, 2024. *
Foursome with a Hole Sponsorship Starting at $1,000.00

Foursome with a Hole Sponsorship includes:
- Exclusive designation as Hole Sponsor
- Team Foursome * Please email the names of each member of your team to Trevor at [email protected] no later than September 23, 2024. *